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Top 10 Excuses for Getting Out of P.E.

Dec 27, 2006

By: Simon

Do you hate going to P.E. class? Do you loathe tryrannical gym teachers and pushups 'til you puke? Well, you're not alone. Many of you peeps out there hate P.E. so Sindy and I have come up with a few sweet excuses for getting out of gym class - Check 'em out!

1. If it's raining outside, tell your teacher the Ritalin you've been taking has given you Ombrophobia - the fear of rain. This excuse only works if it's raining outside, but it's a good one.

2. Pull the fire alarm just before P.E. starts. By the time, the school realizes it's a false alarm, P.E. class will be half over. Even if you get caught, you'll likely be spending the afternoon in the principal's office and will have missed P.E. class (you or your parents may also get a hefty bill from the fire department so be prepared to tell a convincing story about the fire you're certain you saw).

3.Tell your teacher you were abducted by aliens over the weekend and the experience has left you with sinus headaches, severe stress and nightmares, which would only be made worse by going to P.E. class.

4. Tell your P.E. teacher that you don't know how to read or write yet and think that you should be learning those important skills before learning how to long jump or play dodge ball. Don't be surprised if you get stuck reading in the library all afternoon though.

5. Speak in a foreign language and pretend you don't understand anything your teacher or classmates are saying. Walk out of the classroom crying and looking very confused, like you're just going through the trauma of adjusting to a new homeland.

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