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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Book Review

Reviewed by on Jul 31, 2007
Rating: 4 Star Rating

JK Rowling’s final Harry Potter novel has arrived and it’s the final showdown between the Boy Who Lived and Voldemort!

Author: J.K. Rowling

The seventh and final book in the fantastically popular Harry Potter series of novels has arrived with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! It's the end of the seven-year showdown between Harry Potter and Voldemort. There are a lot of things to get settled in this book. Does Harry live? Does Harry die? Is Snape a villain? We won't spoil the story for you, but read on for our Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book review!

The Story

It's the start of another year at Hogwarts as Harry's seventeenth birthday arrives - the day he's finally allowed to cast magic outside of school! But, Voldemort's on the loose, the Ministry of Magic is full of Death Eaters, Harry has a mission from Dumbledore to hunt down the last of the Horcruxs, the legendary Deathly Hallows is rearing its head and, on top of it all, Harry has a wedding to go to! Take a deep breath and get ready for 607 pages of magic and adventure.

Magic, Adventure and Fantastic Fun

Don't just take a deep breath, buckle up too! The action starts, fast and furious, on page 42. From then on, the book reads like an action movie with wizard duels, heroism and the terror of the murderous Lord Voldemort on every page. You also get to find out about Dumbledore's history, which is interesting. Finally, a lot of people die. This is good because it really makes Voldemort terrifying and Harry's friends that much more heroic.

Horrible Flaws

The story is solid, but it waffles a bit near the end, then finishes suddenly. It needs two more chapters to wrap it up properly. Finally, a lot of people die. This is bad because it means goodbye to a lot of the coolest characters from the other Harry Potter books, and some of the deaths are really cheesy.

The Bottom Line

The huge final book is a Godzilla-like beast that goes around in Harry Potter's world, stomping, crushing and destroying stuff like a great clumsy monster. It's a fantastic adventure and it'll have jaws dropping all over the place as beloved characters battle the forces of evil. But, at the very end it feels like someone just stole the last half of your dessert.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Rating:4

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